Product Features and Packing Details


Product Technical Specifications

Test Description Standard Test Method Requirements Results
Length EN ISO 10545-2 :2018 +/- 0.6% - 0.02%-0.01%
Width EN ISO 10545-2:2018 +/- 0.6% -0.05%~-0.03%
Breaking strength,in N EN ISO 10545-4:2019 ≥1300 1900
Thickness EN ISO 10545-2:2018 +/-5.0% -0.4%~+0.7%
Modulus of rupture, in MPa EN ISO 10545-4:2019 Minimum 35 36.8
Crazing resistance: glazed tiles EN ISO 10545-11:1996 No crazing No crazing
Water Absorption EN ISO 10545-3:2018 Eb≤0.5% 0.04%
Thermal shock resistance EN ISO 10545-9:2013 No visible defect Fully resistance
Abrasion resistance EN ISO 10545-7:1998 Report abrasion class Class 4
Resistance to chemicals EN ISO 10545-13:2016 Minimum class B A
Resistance to staining EN ISO 10545-14:2015 Minimum Class 3 Class 5
Frost resistance EN ISO 10545-12:1997 No visible defect Fully resistance


Packing Details

900x2700 1 2.43 51 40 40 97.2 2040 160 388.80 8560
800x2600 1 2.08 42 40 40 83.2 1680 160 345.60 7120
1200x2400 1 2.88 61 30 30 86.4 1830 180 518.40 11580
900x1800 1 1.62 41 56 56 90.72 2296 560 907.20 23610
750x1500 2 2.25 55 36 72 81 1980 432 972.00 24540
600x1200 2 1.44 36 60 120 86.4 2160 724 1042.56 26764
800x800 3 1.92 45 36 108 69.12 1620 576 1105.92 26976
600x600 4 1.44 30 40 160 57.6 1200 880 1267.20 26400

*Kasor Ceramics uses Asian Standard Pallet

For other personalized packing, packaging and loading solutions please contact a Kasor sales representative for more information.